Kalin McDannell
Visiting Assistant ProfessorDepartment of Earth & Climate SciencesBates College, Lewiston, MEKalin McDannell
2024–now Visiting Scholar, Dartmouth College2020–2024 Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire2017–2020 Geological Survey of Canada, CalgaryPostdoctoral
Ph.D. Lehigh UniversityM.S. West Virginia UniversityB.S. Indiana University of PennsylvaniaEducation
Employment and other professional Appointments
2011–2017 Research/Teaching Assistant, Lehigh University, Earth & Environ. Sciences2014 Professional Intern, Earth Sciences, Chevron, Hydrocarbon Charge I2013 Professional Intern, Earth Sciences, Chevron, Hydrocarbon Charge II2011 Visiting Lecturer, West Virginia University, Dept. Petrol. & Nat. Gas Eng.2010 Computational Geologist Intern, URS Corp. (now AECOM), USA DOE Natl. Energy Tech. Lab.2008–2011 Teaching Assistant, West Virginia University, Geology & Geography2007–2008 Ronald E. McNair Scholar, Indiana University of Pennsylvania Employment and other professional Appointments
Department of Earth & Climate SciencesBates College44 Campus Ave, Room 223Lewiston, ME 04240Address
kmcdannell @ bates dot eduemail:
photos: (top) Emerald Lake, British Columbia, Canada
left/right: Lake Louise, AB; Kananaskis Lake, AB; Apollo Butterfly, Bulgan, Mongolia
copyright K. McDannell
left/right: Lake Louise, AB; Kananaskis Lake, AB; Apollo Butterfly, Bulgan, Mongolia
copyright K. McDannell